Warlock 5e character builder
Warlock 5e character builder

  • Poison Immunity, giving the Yuan-Ti immunity to being poisoned and all kinds of poison damage.
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  • Magic Resistance, which gives the Yuan-Ti Advantage on all Saving Throws against magical effects such as spells.
  • If they reach 3rd Level, they can cast Suggestion once every long rest.
  • warlock 5e character builder

  • At 1st Level, they can cast Animal Friendship with this trait for an unlimited number of times, but only on snakes.
  • At 1st Level, they know the Poison Spray cantrip.
  • Innate Spellcasting, which enables Yuan-Ti to cast certain spells with CHA as their Spellcasting Ability:.
  • They can’t see color and instead see things as greys.
  • Darkvision, which enables Yuan-Ti to see 60ft of dim light as though it were bright light and in darkness as though it’s in dim light.
  • Racial Features: Yuan-Ti have these qualities:.
  • Alignment: Most Yuan-Ti Pureblood have been raised to see others as tools they can manipulate, making them lean towards Neutral Evil.
  • Size and Speed: Medium (matching Humans in height and weight), 30ft walking speed.
  • Age: Yuan-Ti Purebloods mature and live at the same rate as Humans.
  • warlock 5e character builder

    Ability Score Increase: CHA + 2, INT + 1.In this article, we’ll talk about Yuan-Ti Purebloods, which appear similar to Humans save for scales and some special traits: As such, some Yuan-Ti appear extremely human-like save for some serpentine characteristics, while others adopt a fully snake humanoid appearance complete with a long tail for a bottom. Thanks to their foreign nature, not much is known about Yuan-Ti save for the fact that they have multiple variants depending on how “close” they are to their serpentine connection. We’ll explore their origins, culture, and special traits in order to play a Yuan-Ti character that will spice up your adventure. This quick guide will help curious players create a Yuan-Ti from an exotic and foreign land. Likewise, the lack of data on Yuan-Ti in the 5e Player’s Handbook can make them a rather difficult ancestry to get into. As one of the more obscure ancestries in D&D 5e, playing a Yuan-Ti definitely adds a flair of mystery to any campaign setting. They have a natural affinity with snakes, with most Yuan-Ti even adopting their physical characteristics. While Dragonborn descend from dragons, Yuan-Ti come from serpents.

    warlock 5e character builder

    Players who want another take on Dragonborn can play a Yuan-Tiin Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

    Warlock 5e character builder